Job Hazard Analysis & Job Safety Analysis Review » Tundra Safety

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Job Hazard Analysis & Job Safety Analysis Review

A Job Hazard Analysis takes a job and breaks it down into individual job steps (or tasks). Hazards are then identified for each job step, followed by the measures required to eliminate or reduce those hazards.

Review a JHA/JSA to Keep It Current

In its Job Hazard Analysis booklet, OSHA reminds us that reviewing periodically a JHA/JSA ensures that it stays current, and continues to help reduce workplace incidents and improve safety. Even if the job and job steps have not changed, it is always possible that hazards not identified in the initial analysis are identified during the review process.

It is especially important to review a JHA/JSA if an injury occurs on a specific job. Based on the incident investigation, it may be determined that the job procedure should be changed to prevent a similar incident. Furthermore, if a worker’s failure to follow proper job procedures results in a near miss, the situation should be discussed with all workers who perform the job to remind them of proper procedures, OSHA says. Whenever a JHA/JSA is revised, all employees affected by changes in new job methods, procedures, or protective measures adopted, should be trained.

In summary, review a JHA/JSA if one of the following three conditions occurs:

1) After a specific time period, e.g. periodically every one or two years.
2) The job, a job step, or a process has changed.
3) An accident (e.g. injury) or near miss has taken place.
