What's in a JSA? » Tundra Safety

What’s in a JSA?

Job Safety Analysis (JSA) processes allow us to break down jobs into specific tasks in order to identify potential hazards and then recommend the safest course of action before taking on the job. This is done through past experience, observation and then a group of experienced workers and supervisors completing the analysis through discussion.

What are the JSA steps?

  1. Identify a job to be analysed.
  2. Breakdown the task into individual steps.
  3. Identify the hazard(s) associated with each task.
  4. Identify control measures to eliminate and/or control the hazard(s).
  5. Sign and date the JSA.

How can I ensure that the JSA process is a success?

  • Keep the process simple and try not to overthink it. Making the Tundra Safety App part of your work discussion can help speed up the efficiency of a safe and reliable JSA
  • Give everyone a sense of ownership and responsibility. Keep your workers and supervisors in the process.
  • Follow up if/when control measures are implemented to ensure that they have effectively eliminated/reduced the identified hazard(s).
  • Have a secure and reliable place to keep your JSAs. Most businesses dealing with paper-based systems are constantly losing track of their JSAs, resulting in unsafe work procedures and unsigned, void JSAs. With Tundra you can save your own JSAs or join your colleagues’ organisation. Everything from job title to sign-off is saved as you go.

What are the benefits of a JSA program?

  • Identifying potential hazards and controls for specific jobs greatly reduces the likelihood of injury!
  • The process of conducting a JSA gets people thinking a little bit differently about the jobs they perform and all of the potential hazards that may have been overlooked.
  • Completed JSAs are a great resource for new employee safety training (orientation) as well as frequent refresher training.
  • JSAs can help improve efficiency by identifying and eliminating non-value added steps.

What does a completed JSA look like?

  • For this example, we will only list one hazard for each task.  Using the Tundra Safety app results in a JSA which looks like the one below, as per industry standards. Please note that it is common for each task to have more than one potential hazard.
Part of a JSEA published by Tundra.

For more information regarding JSAs or Tundra check out our other posts!
